Thursday, May 15, 2008

So Over

I finally quit my job, after what I felt was the final straw. I just couldn't do it anymore. I will miss some of my coworkers, but it was time, and I really hope they find something better, soon. There's a lot better out there. I havn't been looking for a new company just yet, though. I've decided with the support of my husband, to stay home for a while, be a mom, and get back to things I used to enjoy but have lost in the daily grind of our crazy life. I used to love writing, photography, cooking, playing piano, violin and guitar, and scrapbooking. I still do enjoy them, but havn't allowed myself the time to do any of it (except for cooking which is kind of a necessity). As women, before we have kids we're pretty good at taking care of ourselves. Getting our hair done, planing lots of 'girls nights' etc. But life after babies and marraige is all about sacrifice and more sacrifice, and we lose what makes us individuals instead of caretakers. Somewhere in the past almost 4 years, I have totally forgotten what makes me, me. After working a high stress, thankless, frustrating, constantly on-call job for the past 3 years, it's time for me. Even in my job I was sacrificing loads of personal and family time because I worked when I had to, not when I wanted to. This year I want to really examine my passions so I may pursue them, and spend a lifetime enjoying them. Of course, my family is number 1 and always will be until I die, but it's time I put me in second place. A month ago I would have been heartbroken to quit. I really thought my career helped define who I was outside the home. As much as I enjoyed the thrill of Real Estate and the success I experienced, I don't think I was really happy doing it. I may go back to it in the future, but at least I will know how to pace myself and not take those late-night phone calls and sunday morning appointments. Hopefull by then, I'll have gotten back to me.


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