Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Another reminder...

that my little boy is growing up. Nate has his first loose tooth! It also happens to be the first baby tooth he got. I called the dentist just to make sure this wasn't some accident I was unaware of, but she said, "no, this is about the right age. He's fine." Sadness. It's not enough that he's reading, doesn't crawl into our bed anymore, and can pour himself a drink if he's thirsty. Now he's got to go and loose his baby teeth. I absolutely can not believe he's getting so old so quickly. I celebrate all of his achievements, but I also want to freeze him where he is right now for a little longer. When he showed me his tooth I told him, "hey, you can put it under your pillow and the tooth fairy will come and leave you some money!" he replied, "Mom, the tooth fairy's not real."while he rolled his eyes at the notion. He can't even believe in the fricken tooth fairy! His brain is so much older than his body, it's crazy.

On another sad but celebratory note, Matt is crawling! How the hell is this happening? He's supposed to be my newborn, my sweet little baby. No, my sweet little baby is on the move, wearing 12 month clothing, and throwing tantrums. He won't eat baby food any longer either, so there's another sign.

Drew is growing up too; he argues about everything, and he talks well enough to understand what he is arguing about. His new favorite phrase is, "By my-self!". He doesn't want help with anything. I can't pick out his clothes, help him with his shoes... he is so independent. And as he's always been independent, now he has the ability to do a lot on his own. I know he'll flourish at school next year, but holy crap, he'll be in school. AND... he'll be almost 4. I don't mean to sound like every other parent in America, asking, "where did the time go?" But it's so true. Where did the last 5 years of my life go, because I feel like I missed it. I know there are so many little things the kids have done that I've forgotten about, and I really wish I could remember them forever. Thank god I have an obsession with catching every moment on camera, so I can at least go back to those pictures and reminisce.

Conclusion: enjoy it. Enjoy the tantrums, enjoy the fights, the milestones, and enjoy waking up at 4 am to a kid having a nightmare, cause pretty soon they won't need you to rock them back to sleep.


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