Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Jewel's 9 lives

Our most recent scare with Jewel came Sunday. If you don't know, Jewel is our Calico cat. I've had her since July of 2001. She's moved with me many times, and I think she is meant to be here for the long haul.

Early on, I had to take her when she was 4 weeks old, because her mom was too young and started turning on the kittens. She was the only Calico, and chose me. I had to hand feed her for awhile, and watch her constantly.

When we moved to WA from GA, we had Scooter (our schnoodle) Omelet (our Siamese mix) and Jewel on the 3500 mile trip cross country. In Arizona, she escaped from the car at the hotel we were staying at. After looking for her all night and being told she probably got eaten by Coyotes, we knew we couldn't stay to look for her any longer, cause the chances were slim that we'd find her. I left my number with the front desk and we left. 10 minutes later, we received a call that someone had found her in their engine compartment. They happened to check their oil that morning, and also had a spare cat carrier in their vehicle. We turned around, I cried, and off we went.

Sunday, our neighbor informed us he spotted a Calico at 1:30 am coming up from the woods, barely able to walk, and bleeding. She usually comes in at night, but just wouldn't on Saturday. We looked for her under the porch and around the property. I figured she was dead. Later on that night, Nathan woke up because of the wind (he's terrified of Tornado's), so I went in to comfort him. As I was sitting on the bed, something brushed against my legs startling me. and what do you know, it's a bruised and swollen Jewel showing me some love. I brought her downstairs cause she wasn't walking well, and fed her some canned food cause she couldn't eat the dry food. She ate, slept, and stayed inside for 2 days. Today she is back to her old self, swelling gone. Our neighbor thinks she got into a fight with a raccoon; around here they are horrible vicious animals. And she walked away. Jewel is one tough bitch.

Nothing much to this story, I just thought some of you might either find this amusing, or inspirational. She could get run over twice and fall off a cliff and she'd still make it. She has the most awesome disposition of a cat. And I really am starting to believe she'll be around forever.


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