Sunday, October 5, 2008

Oh, Washington...

you're back. The rainy season has returned full blast. It's saddening as much as it is relieving. Summer is such a ridiculously hectic and crazy time of year. Fairs, carnivals, visitors, trips, yard work, pools, parks... all the time. While fun, it can get overwhelming. Throw in the birth of a new baby and triple that craziness. When the fall comes, kids go back to school, all of the summer events are over, and things get a little calmer.

For me, Fall represents a whole other feeling altogether. I've always thought of September as my New Year's. Every new school year I could start over and try to be everything I wanted to. It always fell off by January, but nevertheless, I tried. My birthday is also in October and again, another number is another opportunity to start out trying to be what I wish to become. Obviously, this is my favorite season. I also love the weather itself: when it's not too cold to freeze you, but cold enough to wear a sweater and appreciate a warm home with the aroma of apples. My favorite Yankee Candle comes out this time a year: Autumn Wreath. I buy a few every fall, and love making the trip to Hallmark to get it. As corny as this sounds, the smell reminds me of making Swedish Apple Pie with my Grandma. We always made it this time of year. I need to get the recipe from her, so I can start the tradition with my kids. It's one of my fondest childhood memories.

So since my birthday is coming up (Friday), I've thought a lot about what I wish to accomplish in the year of the big 2-4. My biggest ideas so far include: Getting Healthy, pursuing my passions, decorating my house, becoming more money wise, and reading books I always wanted to, but said I didn't have the time for. For getting healthy I don't just mean losing weight (though I would totally not complain if I lost 30 lbs), but really being health conscience. Exercising more, eating a more balanced diet, etc. Photography is a long lost passion of mine that I have been in love with since I was 9, but I never did anything with. I'd like to pursue that so I can take photos I'm really proud of. As for my house, We've lived in it for over 6 months and we still haven't unpacked all of our picture frames, and tchotchkes. Our house just doesn't feel like our home yet. Money wise, enough said. We could all use a lesson, I'm sure.

Everyday I recite, "three frogs... three frogs..." to remind myself that at the end if the day, I want to be the one that jumped off. And by the end of the year, I want to be the one on the other side of the pond.


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