Tuesday, December 2, 2008


For the past 3 weeks or so, our entire family has been sick. I started with a cough/cold, then Nate had the cough. Drew got the stomach flu 2 weeks back, then a few days later, Nate had a bad fever that lasted for 5 days. On the fifth day, he started complaining about his ear hurting. I took him to the doctors, (at the Naval hospital which I loath ) and yep, ear infection. In all this my cold had subsided. Then on Sunday, Matt woke up vomiting, and couldn't keep anything down. Another stomach flu. He vomited one last time last night, and he's finally able to eat normally again. Well on Sunday, my cold came back in full force. So basically we're all hacking up our lungs, going through tissues at record speed, and we've made several trips to see the doctor, plus one ER trip when Nate's fever spiked to 104 after taking Motrin. Joe's had the same cough that I've had. Argh! We very rarely get sick in this house, and I'd really love to know what the hell is going on. I mean, rarely. Just thought I'd give an update on our family's health and hopefully we'll all be back to normal, soon. I've been wanting to take some Christmas pics, but nobody (including myself) is up to it at this point. So, they might be out after Christmas, but it will get done at some point!