Saturday, April 5th, was Joe's birthday. Weeks ago we had tentatively planned on having a birthday/move-in party. Weeks ago, we didn't know we were still going to be living out of boxes. So (mainly I) decided to call it off. We are hoping to have one in a few weeks or so. Really, I'll be happy if we have any sort of gathering before the baby's born. I did feel bad for having to cancel the tentative party, so I had planned on making the day extra special for Joe's big 2-5. Unfortunately as usual, it didn't go as planned.
At 3:00 in the morning, I woke up to Drew fussing. It's a highly unusual event since he's only slept in our bed maybe 2 times in his life, and rarely wakes up during the night. I figured he might have had a bad dream, so I went into his room, and there he was sitting up half asleep. I picked him up, searched for 'puppies blanky' and brought him into our bed. He cuddled right in, and I should have known then something was wrong. Again, he's not much of a cuddler unless there's a TV on. He finally settled into a position, and Lila started playing with his toes. I got her off the bed, and he took another 5 minutes of tossing around before he settle again. I thought he was going to fall asleep for sure this time. Then he starts coughing. So I sat him up, he coughed again, then BAM! Vomit all over my side of the bed. Fantastic. I tried to move him to the bathroom, but he emptied his stomach before we got there. I changed his clothes and mine, and went downstairs for the children's TUMS. He was wide awake at this point, so I brought him downstairs with me so we could watch some NOGGIN and calm down. After 15 minutes of that, he turned to TV off and said, "go bed". I brought him to
his bed this time and laid down with him cause my side of the bed was destroyed, and I thought he had fallen asleep. Nope, BAM! Vomit again. I changed him, and brought him into our bed next to Joe so
I could change again, and the geyser returned. Joe sat up and looked at the clock reading '4:45' and said, "well, guess we should just put on the coffee." I laughed and said, "happy birthday, honey!"
Needless to say the rest of the day went horribly because both of us were so tired, and we spent the majority of the day cleaning up vomit. We kept falling asleep, Drew kept puking, and Nate was getting pretty irritated that no one could play with him. He had a horrible attitude the entire weekend. Somehow I did manage to take Nate to the mall to get Joe's birthday gift, and we did make a cake, but I must've been half asleep. It's a wonder it turned out decent. We called it an early night.
I do feel horrible for the way the day went. I had planned on getting up early, (not that early), making a big breakfast, taking Nate to the mall, sending Joe to the store for whatever so we could make his cake and decorate the house, and then making a big birthday dinner. Saturday was such a reminder of how far days can stray from their plans. Even with the best intentions, life as a parent is totally unpredictable. We did try to make it somewhat special and show Joe he is loved.